Co-speaker: Hong-nan Tung, Bottle-Top Machinery Co.
魏正毅 教授
美国马里兰大学农业和自然资源国际项目 主任
国际农业永续发展学会 会长
- 演讲主题: Innovative Microwave Assisted Thermal Sterilization for Food Processing
汪懋华 院士
中国工程院 院士
国际欧亚学院 院士
- 演讲主题: 农业信息化创新发展
梅旭荣 教授
中国农业科学院 副院长
- 演讲主题: 中国农业科技研发与成果转化机制创新
Co-speaker: Hong-nan Tung, Bottle-Top Machinery Co.
北京市农林科学院 院长
- 演讲主题:中国种业发展与创新
Sjaak Van Der Tak
Chairman, LTO Glaskracht Nederland, Netherlands
- 演讲主题:荷兰设施高效能生产
Co-speaker: Hong-nan Tung, Bottle-Top Machinery Co.
Dr. Pekka Antero Kess (Finland)
Professor, Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Oulu, Finland
- 演讲主题: Processing Super Food from the Nordic Wild Berries
Prof. SC Lenny Koh (UK)
Chair Professor, Operations Management, The University of Sheffield, UK
- 演讲主题: Agrifood System and Supply Chain: Now and Future
Dr. Pamela Rae Becker (USA)
Professor, Technology Management, School of Technology & Professional Services Management, Eastern Michigan University, USA
- 演讲主题: Technology Use and Management for Sustainability
Dr. Göran Svensson (Norway)
Professor, Professor, Institute of Marketing, Kristiania University College, Norway
- 演讲主题: An Ecological Cycle
Co-Speaker: Dr. Carmen Padin, Professor, Vigo University, Vigo, Spain
張天柱 教授
中国农业大学教授农业规划科学研究所 所长
Dr. Kothandapani Ganesh (India)
Senior Knowledge Expert & Global Lead, SCM Center of Competence, Mckinsey Knowledge Centre India Private Limited, Mckinsey Inc. & Company, India
- 演讲主题: Digital Applications in Agriculture
Dr. Rika Ampuh Hadiguna (Indonesia)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia
- 演讲主题: Simulation Model of Indonesia Palm Oil Industry: Issues, Challenges and Policy
Dr. Wee Liang Tan (Singapore)
Associate Professor, Strategic Management, School of Business, Singapore Management University, Singapore
- 演讲主题: The Challenges of Developing New Agri-tech Ventures Supplying "Safe" Foods
Dr. Nirote Sinnarong (Thailand)
Assistant Professor, Ph.D. and Master Program in Applied Economics, Maejo University, Thailand
- 演讲主题: Agricultural Innovation and Climate Change Adaptation under Thailand 4.0 National Policy
Dr. Joanna Paliszkiewicz (Poland)
Professor, Warsaw University Of Life Sciences, Poland
- 演讲主题: Knowledge Management and Innovation: New Trends
李宗儒(浚绅) 教授 (台湾)
- 演讲主题: The Application of PMI in Agriculture
Dr. Miranda Mirosa (New Zealand)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Food Science, University of Otago, New Zealand
- 演讲主题: Consumer Perception of Biocide Use in the Food Industry